Eliminating Elder Abuse
Who We Are
The Committee Against Abuse of Older Persons (CAAOP), a committee of the Hamilton Council on Aging, is a network of over 20 community organizations, which has been providing education on elder abuse issues since 1985. We are interested in advocacy, education and linking individuals to services that assist older adults at risk of being abused. Our mandate is to strengthen the community’s ability to prevent, recognize and respond to the abuse of older persons.
What is Elder Abuse?
The abuse of older persons is any action or inaction that causes harm to an older person. The abuser may be a family member, friend, neighbour, or care provider.
Signs of Elder Abuse
- Suspicious or unexplained injuries
- Poor hygeine, bedsores
- Anxiety, depression, fear, isolation, confinement
- Malnutrition or dehydration
- Weight Loss or Misuse of Medication
- Lack of food or other necessities
Forms of Elder Abuse
Financial Abuse
- Misuse of Power of Attorney
- Stealing, theft, forgery
- Misusing money, cheques or property
- Unexplained disappearance of personal belongings such as clothing or jewellery
Physical Abuse
- Pushing, kicking, shoving, shaking
- Hitting, slapping, poking
- Pulling hair, biting, pinching
- Sexual Assault
Emotional Abuse
- Words that are hurtful make the senior feel unworthy
- Treating an older adult like a child
- Shunning, ignoring, or lack or acknowledgement
- Threats of institutionalization – “Do what I say or Ill put you in a home.”
- Not allowing the senior to socialize
Financial Abuse
- Misuse of Power of Attorney
- Stealing, theft, forgery
- Misusing money, cheques or property
- Unexplained disappearance of personal belongings such as clothing or jewellery
Physical Abuse
- Pushing, kicking, shoving, shaking
- Hitting, slapping, poking
- Pulling hair, biting, pinching
- Sexual Assault
Emotional Abuse
- Words that are hurtful make the senior feel unworthy
- Treating an older adult like a child
- Shunning, ignoring, or lack or acknowledgement
- Threats of institutionalization – “Do what I say or Ill put you in a home.”
- Not allowing the senior to socialize
- Withholding care or denying access to necessary services
- Improper use of medication – over/under medicating
- Not providing food or liquids, proper clothing or hygiene
- Failure to assist with activities of daily living
- Abandonment
- Denial of an older adult’s basic rights
- Withholding care or denying access to necessary services
- Improper use of medication – over/under medicating
- Not providing food or liquids, proper clothing or hygiene
- Failure to assist with activities of daily living
- Abandonment
- Denial of an older adult’s basic rights
Understanding Abuse
Risk Factors
- Family history of abuse
- Physical frailty
- Financial problems
- Cognitive status
- Isolation
- Caregiver stress
- Dependency
- Alcohol or Drug dependency
- Mental health
What do Victims of Abuse Need?
- The abuser to stop the violence, exploitation, or neglect
- Help with restoring the family situation if possible
- Safety, shelter, access to financial resources
- Home Support Services, so that they are not dependent on the abuser
- Counselling, emotional support, links to the community
Preventing Abuse
If you are an older adult . . .
- Misuse of Power of Attorney
- Stealing, theft, forgery
- Misusing money, cheques or property
- Unexplained disappearance of personal belongings such as clothing or jewellery
If you know an older adult . . .
- Pushing, kicking, shoving, shaking
- Hitting, slapping, poking
- Pulling hair, biting, pinching
- Sexual Assault
Emotional Abuse
- Words that are hurtful make the senior feel unworthy
- Treating an older adult like a child
- Shunning, ignoring, or lack or acknowledgement
- Threats of institutionalization – “Do what I say or Ill put you in a home.”
- Not allowing the senior to socialize
If you are an older adult . . .
- Misuse of Power of Attorney
- Stealing, theft, forgery
- Misusing money, cheques or property
- Unexplained disappearance of personal belongings such as clothing or jewellery
If you know an older adult . . .
- Pushing, kicking, shoving, shaking
- Hitting, slapping, poking
- Pulling hair, biting, pinching
- Sexual Assault
Emotional Abuse
- Words that are hurtful make the senior feel unworthy
- Treating an older adult like a child
- Shunning, ignoring, or lack or acknowledgement
- Threats of institutionalization – “Do what I say or Ill put you in a home.”
- Not allowing the senior to socialize
Resources and Information
Hamilton Police Services: Senior Support Officers (SSO)
Hamilton Police Services: Senior Support Officers (SSO)
Crisis Outreach and Support Team