The Sustainability Committee organized a 10km Walk for Health fundraiser for Hamilton Council on Aging Board members and their families and friends which took place on Sunday, February 27, 2022 along Hamilton’s Waterfront.

Almost 30 walkers participated and were welcomed warmly by Lori Letts, President of HCoA and Alecia Tornebene, Senior Manager, UWHH who extended greetings on behalf of their organizations.

HCoA’s fundraising event was very successful both financially and in the atmosphere of camaraderie that was evident before, during and after the walk as we shared refreshments and conversation at William’s Café.

Many thanks to all who supported the 10km Walk. Your generous donations raised over $8,000!

The proceeds from this walk will support the United Way Halton and Hamilton and the HCoA’s “Let’s Get Moving” workshops for older adults (Let’s Take a Walk; Let’s Take a Bus; Let’s Ride a Bike; Let’s Drive a Car).  “Let’s Get Moving” is promoting the health benefits of active transportation and increasing opportunities for older adults to participate in outdoor recreational walking and cycling along trail systems in Hamilton.

Special thanks to Cheryll Sullivan, HCoA Executive Assistant, who assisted with registration and support on the day of the Walk.